
ECLAT BMX Morrow 20" Tire (Tan/Gum) 2.4"

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Get 10% discount on ECLAT BMX Morrow 20" Tire (Tan/Gum) 2.4" upon pre-order. Detailed pre-order conditions are here.

As soon as Ty Morrow joined the Éclat family in 2017, the brand started work on his signature tire. Creating a tire that could hold up to one of the most powerful and demanding riders in the game was the ultimate test in design and allowed Eclat to really push the boundaries of how dialled a BMX tire could become.

Working together with one of the best tire manufacturers in the world, the Morrow Tire features a fast-rolling, but incredibly grippy tread pattern that was designed to shred it on all terrains. Eclat used the best quality rubber compound available and backed it up with their “Cobweb” high-performance anti-puncture tire casing and “Pangolin” sidewall protection to ensure that the tire could hold up to huge impacts, grind damage hangups and just about anything that could happen whilst out in the streets.

  • The Morrow Tire uses “Pangolin” sidewall and “Cobweb” layer technology, making it incredibly puncture-proof and resistant to damage during grinding
  • Material: 60 TPI casing, wire bead
  • Ty Morrow signature tire with all-round grip
  • High pressure rated (100PSI)
  • “Cobweb” puncture-proof layer for increased durability and protection
  • Smooth central area for speed, unique outer tread to increase traction and grip on all surfaces
  • Re-enforced special “Pangolin” sidewall layer for protection against grind damage
  • Lighter weight than most all-around tires on the market
BMX Tyre Width
BMX Wheel Diameter
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Unfortunately, this product is not available in our store in Tbilisi.
But we can order it for you!
Pre-order conditions:
- 100% prepayment
- 10% discount
- Delivery time 10-20 days
- 50% prepayment
- 5% discount
- Delivery time 10-20 days
We will check the availability at the supplier's warehouse and then contact you to make payment.

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