
ECLAT BMX Mirage 20" Tire (Black) 2.45"

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Get 10% discount on ECLAT BMX Mirage 20" Tire (Black) 2.45" upon pre-order. Detailed pre-order conditions are here.

The Mirage Tire might just be the most advanced tire Eclat has ever designed. Built on the premise of a super light tire that was strong enough for the toughest street riders on the team, the Mirage uses a high-performance 120tpi casing and a specially designed dual compound tread that is smooth in the center, but with plenty of grip on the outer tread for traction and control whilst cornering and carving.

The Mirage was also designed with street riders in mind and uses a full bead-to-bead “Silkshiled” protection layer and a special outer ridge which acts like a bumper and prevents the sidewall from getting damaged during grinds.

Rated up to 110psi, the Mirage tire is perfect for street riders and ramp riders alike, and is one of the lightest tires on the market, but sacrifices none of the strength and quality that a lot of lighter tires give up in exchange for weight savings.

  • Material: 120 TPI construction, wire bead
  • High performance super lightweight street tire
  • Dual compound construction
  • Full length “Silkshield” layer under tread and sidewalls for added protection
  • High rated pressure 110 PSI
  • Specially designed tire tread with a smooth centre tread for low rolling resistance and aggressive sides for traction and grip
  • Special outer line for grind protection
  • Made by Maxxis tires
BMX Tyre Width
BMX Wheel Diameter
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Unfortunately, this product is not available in our store in Tbilisi.
But we can order it for you!
Pre-order conditions:
- 100% prepayment
- 10% discount
- Delivery time 10-20 days
- 50% prepayment
- 5% discount
- Delivery time 10-20 days
We will check the availability at the supplier's warehouse and then contact you to make payment.

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