
ECLAT BMX Predator (Bruno Hoffman Signature) 20" Tire (Black) 2.3"

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Get 10% discount on ECLAT BMX Predator (Bruno Hoffman Signature) 20" Tire (Black) 2.3" upon pre-order. Detailed pre-order conditions are here.

When it came down to designing his very own signature tire, Bruno Hoffmann was very specific. He wanted a tire that not only gripped like nothing else, but was also strong enough on the sidewalls to last heavy flat ledge sessions and resist the trauma that his blend of technical and burly riding can cause to a tire.

Bruno was very specific when it came to the size of the tire. He felt that by making the tire slightly narrower, you could avoid the snagging and catching of the sidewall during grinds and when you grind as much as Bruno you understand what’s going to help and what isn’t going to help. The Predator Tire is available in Bruno’s preferred size of 2.30” (58mm), which is what he considers “the perfect size” for street riding.

Eclat started with the best quality tire construction with a high 120 TPI thread count as a base, and then went back and forth with Bruno for ideas on the tread designs. The end result is super durable tire with reinforced sidewalls, a sticky rubber compound and a tread heavily inspired by some of Bruno’s favorite rubber growing up.

  • Material: 120 TPI construction, wire bead
  • Width: 2.3″ (58mm)
  • Bruno Hoffman signature tire
  • High rated pressure 100 PSI
  • Smooth central area for speed, tough sidewall for protection against grind damage
  • Grippy outer tread to increase traction on wallrides and spinning tricks
BMX Tyre Width
BMX Wheel Diameter
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Unfortunately, this product is not available in our store in Tbilisi.
But we can order it for you!
Pre-order conditions:
- 100% prepayment
- 10% discount
- Delivery time 10-20 days
- 50% prepayment
- 5% discount
- Delivery time 10-20 days
We will check the availability at the supplier's warehouse and then contact you to make payment.

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