
ECLAT BMX Vapour 20" Tire (Black) 2.25"

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Get 10% discount on ECLAT BMX Vapour 20" Tire (Black) 2.25" upon pre-order. Detailed pre-order conditions are here.

A modern take on the classic “Dirt Tire”, Eclat has been working closely with Tyson Jones-Peni, Dylan Lewis and other roasters on the team on a new éclat tire which rolls smooth on the trails and runs fast in the bowl.

The VAPOUR tire is 100psi rated and with Cobweb technology for superior strength. Utilizing a special race-spec rubber compound, a fast-rolling center section and a unique multi-textured tread pattern for superior grip on all surfaces, the Vapour Tire fiends for the dirt and cement.

  • Material: 60tpi construction, wire bead .COBWEB puncture proof layer and PANGOLIN sidewall protection
  • Modern take on the classic “dirt tire”
  • Fast rolling trail/transition at home on the trails or in the bowl
  • High rated pressure 100 PSI
  • Micro knurled tread for increased grip on all surfaces
  • More aggressive outer tread for increased traction on hard and soft pack dirt
  • Puncture resistant Cobweb nylon layer
  • Re-enforced special Pangolin sidewall layer for protection
BMX Tyre Width
BMX Wheel Diameter
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Unfortunately, this product is not available in our store in Tbilisi.
But we can order it for you!
Pre-order conditions:
- 100% prepayment
- 10% discount
- Delivery time 10-20 days
- 50% prepayment
- 5% discount
- Delivery time 10-20 days
We will check the availability at the supplier's warehouse and then contact you to make payment.

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