
WTP BMX Activate 100PSI 20" Tire (Red/Black Sidewall) 2.4"

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Get 10% discount on WTP BMX Activate 100PSI 20" Tire (Red/Black Sidewall) 2.4" upon pre-order. Detailed pre-order conditions are here.

Designed with Jordan Godwin and Dan Kruk, the Activate Tire is created to meet the needs of the modern-day rider. With a fast-rolling but super grippy tread, the Activate has a specially designed sidewall that prevents it from catching or snagging on grinds.

Paired up with a high-spec rubber compound for superior grip and increased tire life, the Activate Tire is one of the most tech tires ever created. The 100psi version offers a higher-pressure casing which allows to reduce the weight of the tire whilst also increasing the core strength.

The CobWeb technology creates a puncture-proof layer which helps greatly with the overall toughness and durability of the tire.

  • Cobweb technology for increased durability and puncture protection
  • All-terrain tire with unique grind-friendly sidewall
  • Designed with the WTP team
  • Fast centre line with knurled aggressive tread
  • Durable sticky compound
  • Wire bead, high quality 120TPI casing
  • Nylon reinforced sidewall
  • Maximum pressure 100PSI
BMX Tyre Width
BMX Wheel Diameter
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Unfortunately, this product is not available in our store in Tbilisi.
But we can order it for you!
Pre-order conditions:
- 100% prepayment
- 10% discount
- Delivery time 10-20 days
- 50% prepayment
- 5% discount
- Delivery time 10-20 days
We will check the availability at the supplier's warehouse and then contact you to make payment.

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